This danger Used Plastic Bottles Mineral Water Refill

Many water bottles made of plastic include code label that informs if the bottle is not recommended to be recharged. It is worth noting because the plastic packaging that is made just for disposable and should not be used repeatedly for beverage containers.
Many people do not know and do not care about the label. In general, the label on the bottle plastic packaging in the form of logos and numbers that are not widely known by the public as consumers. Here are various types of plastic you need to know
In general plastic packaging has the following code like this, and the bottle-shaped packaging code is usually located at the bottom.

- PETE or PET (polyethylene terephthalate) label in the form of number 1 in the triangle used for plastic bottles are transparent / translucent like mineral water bottles. Bottles with this material is recommended only for disposable. Do not use water to keep warm let alone hot.
- HDPE (high density polyethylene) label in the form of number 2 in the regular triangles used to white milk bottle milk. Recommended only for a single use.
- V or PVC (polyvinyl chloride) label in the form of number 3 in a triangle is the most difficult plastic recycling. This plastic can be found in plastic wrap (cling wrap), and bottles. The content of PVC that contained DEHA in plastic wrap and can leak into the greasy food when heated. PVC potentially harmful to the kidneys, liver and body weight.
- LDPE (low density polyethylene) labels such as number 4 in the regular triangle is used to place food and bottles were mushy. With coded items can be recycled and good for items that require flexibility but strong. Is arguably the goods can not be destroyed but still good for food.
- PP (polypropylene) label such as number 5 in the triangle is the best choice for plastic materials, especially for dealing with food and beverage as a place to store food, drink bottles and foremost drink bottles for babies. Characteristics of these bottles are not transparent clear or cloudy.
- PS (polystyrene) label in the form of the number 6 in the regular triangle is used as a place to eat styrofoam material, disposable drinking places, etc. Polystyrene material can leak Styrine materials into food when food is in contact. Styrine materials harmful to the brain and nervous system. This material should be avoided and many US states have banned the use made of styrofoam food places including China.
- Other (usually polycarbonate) label in the form of the number 7 in the triangle can be found in the food and beverages such as sports drink bottles. Polycarbonate can release its main ingredient is bisphenol-A in food and beverages that may damage the hormone system.
Here we will discuss more about the plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PETE or PET) and possible dangers. According to the American Chemistry Council, PETE has been declared safe by the FDA and the International Life Science Institute (ILSI). However, the American Chemistry Council warned that products made from PET only be used disposable.
Studies conducted recently showed that the re-use bottles made from PET turns dangerous. It was found that PET will be shed over time and seep into the drink when the bottle was in use again. Toxin called DEHA is proven to cause problems in the liver, endoktrin gland disorders, difficulty to obtain offspring, and is suspected to cause cancer in humans. Therefore, it is best to recycle these bottles, do not use it repeatedly.
From now on, you are accustomed to using bottles of mineral water for drinking water containers should leave the habit stretcher. When you buy mineral water has been drunk, squeeze the bottle and throw it in the trash. The shape of the bottle is simple and light it is interesting to be a container of drinking water, but the danger is far more terrible.
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