The Meaning Behind Sticker Code In Fruits

If you buy fruit at the supermarket or in a fruit stall, you will find a label that is attached to the fruit you buy. Maybe you never noticed digit code found on the label sticker and consider it important not even bother because you are made to bother to remove the sticker when they wanted to eat the fruit you buy direct.
Although it seems trivial and like menggannggu, stickers or labels attached to the fruit contains a code which contains important information about the identity of fruit products that you will consume. Numeric code on the sticker tells you how the fruit was grown. By reading the code, you can find out whether it is genetically modified fruit, organic, or produced by chemical fertilizers, fungicides, or herbicides.
Here is the meaning of the code numbers on the fruit you need to know:
If the code is only four-digit numbers, this means that the product was grown conventionally or "traditional" with the use of pesticides or fertilizer organic fertilizer. Four digits of the code also inform each type of fruit. For example, the code for the bananas are 4011, 4032 to watermelon and melon, green apple and 4139 to 4131 for Fuji apples.
If the five-digit code and numbers starting with the number "8", this tells you that the fruit is genetically modified. Genetic modification means has been engineered, not natural anymore.
If the five-digit code numbers and numbers beginning with "9", it informs that the product was grown organically and is not genetically modified.
For example, and so you're not too busy to remember, note first points only. Here's an example:
- 4139 means the green apple fruit grown conventionally and organically as fertilizer pesticides.
- 84 139 green apple fruit means the conventionally grown, not organic and genetically modified
- 94 139 means that the green apple fruit grown conventionally and using organic fertilizers
or example on bananas:
- 4011 means that bananas are grown conventionally and organically as fertilizers pesticides
- 84011 means that bananas are grown in conventional, not organic and genetically modified
- 94 011 means that bananas are grown conventionally and using organic fertilizers
Based on these labels can be concluded that the fruit labeled 5 digit number 9 in front is the most healthy fruit. Avoid labeled 5 numbers with the number 8 at the beginning because the fruit is the result of genetic engineering are certainly no better and no healthier than fruit grown organik.Sebarkan this information if useful.
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