Here's How to Clean Toxins Nested in Intestine

The large intestine is an important part of the human digestive system. The large intestine extending from the cecum lies to the rectum. If a gut is not working properly then dirt toxic longer be stored in it. If the waste stuck on hold long and not moving toxic waste is eventually absorbed by the bowel wall into the bloodstream.
The eating habits of people now a versatile instant (processed foods that do not have the enzymes, fiber and nutrients) resulted in slow transit time up to 70 hours of dirt stuck in the intestines. This is according to research led to increasingly toxic bowel conditions, and even if accumulated toxic waste buildup can reach 8 kilograms in adults.
Constipation is one of the many conditions as a result of toxic waste stored in the gut. Constipation occurs when waste material moves too slowly through the large intestine, so that only a few are issued through defecation.
Intestinal symptoms with many other toxic waste, among others:
Nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Joint pain, muscle pain
Behavioral symptoms of depression, fatigue, anxiety, mood swings / mood.
The immune system is weak, vaginal infections / whitish or bladder infection / urinary tract
There is a red rash and allergic skin
Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, PhD, author of the book "Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management" describes the importance of colon cleansing. For if the toxic waste in the colon is not cleaned can be absorbed by the blood capillaries which ultimately wastes containing these toxins seeping through the intestinal wall and spread to all tissues of the body organs through the blood. Accumulation of toxins in the body will gradually cause significant damage to our organs.
Then how to cleanse colon clean of toxins? Here is a method or a colon cleansing program within 10-16 days which was developed in 1940 by Stanley Burroughs, an alternative health practitioner. In 1976, Burroughs cleansing program presented to the world through a book called The Master Cleanser.
The materials used to make potions:
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice (about 1/2 Lemon)
- 2 tablespoons pure honey
- 1/10 teaspoon pepper
- 1 liter of water
How to make:
Mix all the above ingredients until dissolved. 1 liter of herb can be taken 5 to 8 times per day for a minimum of 10 days.
In addition to the above mixture, you can also use the juice of papaya seeds to cleanse your colon.
Here's how to make it:
Washing and drying papaya seeds for 2-3 days until completely dry. Once dried puree in a manner to be crushed or blended flour.
Mix one teaspoon of powdered papaya seeds earlier and mixed with one cup of warm water. Drinking a solution of the papaya seeds as much as 2 cups per day. Prove it in 14 days you are more healthy digestive body more fit.
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